How to use the elevator correctly2019-07-03
How to use the elevator correctly

1. What are the buttons in the elevator car?

On the control panel in the elevator car, there are generally several types of buttons, such as a layer selection button, a door opening button, a door closing button, an alarm button, and an intercom button, as shown in FIG.

2. The role and use of various buttons in the elevator car

The selection button, as its name implies, is used to select the destination floor. When the passenger enters the elevator car, the button should be selected according to the moving floor button, and the indicator light in the button lights up, which proves that the floor has been registered, the layer selection is successful, and the running direction will stop in the same direction after the elevator closes.

Open the door button At present, the elevator is generally equipped with a power-driven automatic door, and the door opening button is used to open the door of the elevator automatic door. When the passenger is inside the car, the elevator door is in the process of automatic closing. If it is found that there are still passengers outside the car ready to enter the car, then the door opening button can be pressed to automatically open the elevator door. When the elevator door is completely closed and the elevator has not started running, pressing the door open button can also cause the elevator door to automatically open again.

The close button is a button for operating the elevator door to automatically close. When all passengers enter the car completely and the elevator light curtain or safety touch panel is not blocked, the elevator door will automatically close after a preset time. In order to improve the efficiency of the elevator, the passenger can automatically close the elevator door in advance by pressing the door closing button.

Alarm button When the passenger is trapped in the car, you can get a timely rescue by pressing the alarm button to alert the duty room and/or the machine room.

Intercom button When the passenger is trapped in the car, you can talk to the duty room and/or the room by pressing the intercom button. After the intercom button is pressed once, after the other party connects the call device, the two parties can talk for a long time. When the call is interrupted, the button can be pressed again to continue the request for the call.

Open Door Hold Buttons Some cargo lifts are also equipped with a door open hold button, which is generally marked with "delay" or "Hold". When the button is pressed, the elevator door opens and remains for a period of time to load and unload the cargo.

3. Precautions for use of buttons in the elevator car

When the passenger is taking the elevator in the elevator car, touch the layer button or the door button. Do not force or use a sharp object (such as a key, umbrella, crutches, etc.) to tap the button. When there are water or other oil stains on your hands, you should dry them as much as possible before performing the layer selection operation to avoid polluting the buttons, or because the water seeps into the back of the control panel, causing the circuit to be broken or even directly causing the passengers to get an electric shock.

When the passengers lead the children to take the elevator, be sure to look after the children. Do not let the children press the buttons on the control panel of the car. If no floor is needed, the elevator will stop at the floor, which will not only lower the elevator. The use efficiency of the elevator increases the power consumption, and also greatly increases the waiting time of passengers on other floors. Since some elevators have a cancellation function, pressing the button may also cause the selected layer signal that has been selected by other passengers in the car to be cancelled, so that the elevator cannot stop at the preset landing. If the elevator has anti-tampering function, pressing the button will cause all the selection signals to be canceled, which also causes inconvenience to the passengers.