New regulations introduced: install at least two elevators f2019-07-03
New regulations introduced: install at least two elevators f

From today, a number of new laws and regulations closely related to the lives of the people will be implemented soon. If the number of residential floors is 12 floors or above, at least two elevators must be installed; if the appliance repairman falsifies the service items, the maximum penalty is 30,000 yuan.

It is reported that the "Residential Design Code" officially implemented today requires that the total number of floors in the 12th floor and above should be no less than two elevators in each building, and one of them should be able to accommodate the stretcher. According to the new Residential Design Code, the household toilet should not be placed directly on the upper bedroom, living room, kitchen and dining room; the balcony railing must be constructed to prevent children from climbing; it is located in the lower part of the balcony, the veranda and the open staircase. Public entrances and exits should be taken to prevent objects from falling and injuring people.

From today on, if the appliance repair master has a phenomenon of boasting service items, etc., in addition to complaints from the industrial and commercial department, it can also seek protection according to the “Administrative Measures for Home Maintenance Service Industry” reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Commerce. According to the "Administrative Measures for Appliance Repair Service Industry", it is clearly stipulated that the appliance repair practitioners should have the professional and technical qualifications to engage in the corresponding maintenance activities. Appliance repair operators and employees shall not “falsely list, exaggerate, or falsify maintenance service items or contents”, and may not “use the appliance manufacturer’s trademark or special maintenance mark”, and maintenance personnel need to “hold the certificate to work”, etc., in violation of the above provisions. Serious circumstances will be imposed a fine of less than 30,000 yuan.